CJ and I decided to create a blog for those non-myspacers to check on how things are going in the Cooper home. As of today I am 32 weeks and 2 days pregnant and things are going well. We have been getting more and more excited for the arrival of Isabella Mae every single day. In fact, CJ and I just can't seem to stay out of her room. Isabella has a mobile that shines fishys on the wall when her room is dark and CJ and I like to just sit in there and dream about what lies ahead. Only 8 more weeks and we are practically counting the seconds (I don't think I could get any larger =]). As for everything else, things couldn't be better. We love our new apartment, married life is a blast, and CJ is the kindest, most patient guy I know (I get easily irritated these days haha).
Attached is a photo of one of our latest experiments, Henna. I thought this suited me very well. I am super proud to be huuuge and pregnant and we thought we would show it off.