Everywhere we go all we hear is how beautiful our daughter is, it feels so good to hear that and know that was something that we made. There is nothing out there that feels better than being a parent. It is amazing!
2 weeks ago at Bella's first appointment with the pediatrician the doctor told us that they would like it if she was at least at her birth weight for her 2 week appointment (today's appointment). Babies tend to lose weight when they first come home and most gain it back in two weeks. Our little one not only gained the weight back, but she is now a whopping 8 lbs 2 ozs. The doctor was very shocked that she had packed on this much weight in only 2 weeks. He said he hasn't seen that happen in years. He cracked a joke saying, "Geese Alexis you could open your own organic dairy farm!" He was very happy that she was putting on the weight so well. I was worried for a minute but he assured me that this means we are doing everything perfectly. In fact, he was amazed at our little girl’s development. He stated that she was a lot stronger than most babies her age and he is sure she will be an early roller so he cautioned us to always keep a hand close by. Boy oh boy she is growing up so fast already!
So I have discovered that I have an obsession with always putting a bow on baby Bella to match her outfit. I didn't realize this until going through the baby pictures today.
In the green she is showing off our favorite face! Our little monkey is too cute.
P.S. She is starting to get chunky! It is soo cute. Notice the chubby cheeks in the picture below!
Today is CJ's first day back at work. Baby Bella and I are so sad he had to leave. We are counting down the hours until Daddy gets home.
The picture to the right is from our walks we are now taking. She loves the park! Also Bella's stylin daddy sporting her husky bib. Silly daddy..we miss you!
More family visits are coming this week. We will post pictures!
Also, doc said she looked great. We go back the 26th.
Monday, July 21, 2008
We just cannot believe that our little monkey will be one week old tomorrow. Time is racing by way too fast! =[ She changes every day! She really is the most beautiful little girl in the world! Today our plan is to go on a walk to get coffee and trek on through the park across the street. Yay for going outside!
Above is the squishy monkey face that we love SO much hehe.
Here are more photos! =] We just can't get enough of her. She is such an angel. She sleeps very well at night, so well in fact that most of the time we have to wake her to feed her. She has her first doctor's appointment today so we are looking forward to hearing she is doing great. Love you all.
Here is the blog you are all demanding haha. I will try to update this as much as I can. Here are some photos that we have collected over the past 2 days. Enjoy!