Today had to have been the scariest, most horrible day of my life. This morning I took Bella out of her crib and put her on the floor in the living room as I was going to go make her cereal and a bottle. I looked behind me to check on her and she had went into her room. When I went in to see what she was doing, it was too late. I walked in on her wobbly feet slipping out from under her as she hung on to her crib. She smashed her mouth on the bottom of the crib and all I saw was blood and teeth. I was absolutely frantic. I picked her up and somehow got dressed and packed a bag in like 10 seconds (all while holding her) and called everyone I know to figure out what to do. My first instinct was to take her to the ER but then I ended up talking with the pediatrician and he said to just bring her in to see him. He said she would be fine and to take her to a dentist. On our way to the dentist Bella lost another tooth (which was loose from the fall). We took her right away to CJ's old dentist and he said Bella was going to be just fine. She had a little tear in her gums and she lost 3 teeth! I have felt the most intense amount of guilt all day. I feel like the worst mother ever. I know that these things happen but as a mom you are always thinking about the "what if" factor. What if I was a little quicker to check on her...could I have caught her?
Bella has been such a brave little trooper. She has barely fussed at all today. She has been smiley and sleepy. I have been exceedingly protective of her since the incident. I feel like she is going to constantly hurt herself. Hopefully I will start to feel better soon because I haven't really let Bella do anything today. I have been so excited about her mobility, but after today, I could have been fine with her putting off crawling for a few more months haha.
I really hope it will be a long time before her next big spill!