Just a little update on our crazy monkey...
- She loves play dough (pictured above).
- Her favorite thing to do right now is read books. Her favorites include; Five Little Monkeys, Bedtime Snoozers, and Baby Animals.
- She says "Hi" and "Bye bye" to everyone we see.
- She loves to point to the potty and say "pee pee" and "boo boo" (which gives mommy the green light that we are almost ready to embark on the potty training adventure).
- She says "brrrr" when she is cold and "hot" when she touches something hot.
- She likes to play mommy and push baby dolls around in strollers.
- She loves to be around whoever is cooking, she is fascinated with food and cooking. We are getting her a play kitchen for Christmas.
- She likes to have long conversations on the phone with her imaginary friends.
- She loves jewelry, she is always putting on bracelets, necklaces, and rings.
- Her favorite things to cuddle with are still tigger and monkey, but also Mommy's silk pajamas.