Bella likes gymnastics so much that she likes to climb on/hang on everything now. Her new favorite is hanging on the corner of our kitchen island. Silly little monkey.
Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL fall day in the northwest and a perfect day for the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, everyone else in the free world thought the was CROWDED. We made the mistake of waiting closer to Halloween this year than we have the past couple of years. Despite the sea of people, we thoroughly enjoyed out visit to the pumpkin patch. I am most excited about the fact that we can display our pumpkins on our porch for the very first time this year!
We finally did it, we got a puppy. I wasn't sure I was ready for this big step, but as soon as I saw Lucy(a sweet 7 month old pomeranian), I fell in love. It has been surprisingly a lot easier than I thought. Lucy is a very good puppy! I must say I don't think there is anything cuter than Bella playing with littly Lucy.
Once again, so sorry about not posting. It is so hard without a working camera. The camera phone only gets a good shot once in a blue moon. I promise we will invest in a camera soon...I just want to make sure we get one that wont break right away without spending a fortune. Here is a photo from the harvest festival that we took Bella to yesterday. It was so much fun, and the best part...everything was FREE!