Updating the blog isn't easy to do when you have two kids. Usually Jameson's nap time is spent feeding or playing with Bella while cleaning the house. The kids are doing great. Bella has been very interested in writing words lately. She started with mom and dad, and can now write a new word every day. Now when she signs things, she does it all by herself. I couldn't be more proud of her. She is obsessed with all things Halloween, especially her skeleton pajamas and the neighbor's giant spider decoration.
Jameson is a tank. He continues to outgrow everything. He fits 3-6 month clothes and isn't even 2 months old. He has an appointment on November 1st and I am curious to see what percentile he ranges in. I am guessing 99th haha. He doesn't like to sleep, and he is a definite mommy's boy. His favorite thing to do right now is bounce, and he is just starting to let out very random smiles.
We miss you all and we are very looking forward to future visits. Our next will be CJ's aunt Georgia, who is coming into town a few days before Halloween. Bella is soooo excited!!