I never seem to have a spare moment to post on here. If I am not taking care of the kids, dog, or house, I am usually showering or eating. So here is a quick update...
Jameson will be 3 months old in 2 days! He is starting to coo, smile more, and look at toys. I swear he is growing daily and my aching back is constant proof.
Bella has her first dance recital on the 8th and she is so excited for her cousin Owen to watch her.
Christmas is approaching fast! We are taking the kids to see Santa tomorrow and I am really hoping Bella looks at the camera and Jameson doesn't scream. We will go cut our tree down this weekend and Bella is sooo excited to decorate it.
Thanksgiving was a blast. We went to my aunts house and enjoyed a lovely meal. Jameson tried his first actual food (mashed potatos with gravy, and a small bite of pumpkin pie) and he realllllllly enjoyed it.
I will post the santa picture as soon as possible. Love to you all--especially Georgia, Bella misses her friend so much!