Monday, August 13, 2012
Another Brief Check-in
Once again, I haven't found the time to sit and post anything on here. I apologize. Life has been hectic around here. I was trying to post a video of Jameson walking, but it wasn't working. He has been taking steps for a few weeks now, but as yesterday he is full on walking around the house. I can't believe it is almost his first birthday! Until I can get the video to upload, here is a cute one of Mr. handsome.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sorry I haven't posted, we have been soooo busy! Parties, my mom in the hospital, family in town, getting a job, weddings, etc! Here is a cute one to enjoy until I have time to post something!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Dancing Queen
Bella had her second dance recital last night and it was a blast. She did SOOOOO well. She worked really hard, practiced every day, and it really showed. I was so proud of her! She danced to Abba's "Dancing Queen" and definitely looked the part in her sparkly gold outfit.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Birthday Invite Extras
We had so much fun taking photos a while ago for Bella's birthday invitations. Here are the ones that didn't make the cut, but were still so darn cute.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Jameson's First Beach Trip
It was a PERFECT day for the beach. When we arrived it was upper 60's and lovely out, but as the afternoon went on, it got hot! We did NOT expect it to be so nice out today. We had a picnic with friends and went hunting for shells. Bella was in heaven! Jameson had fun, but didn't like the fact that we did not let him eat all of the rocks. All in all, it was a fabulous day.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Another wonderful perk about living in Tacoma is that if you have a Tacoma library card, you can check out free passes to the local museums. CJ and I had never been to the glass museum so we took advantage of his down time this week and took a field trip. The glass was beautiful, but the best part was watching the people work with it. It is a small museum, perfect for the attention span of two small children. Bella even entered in a contest to have her art turned into glass. Her art was titled "sun" and her description was "good morning sunshine." It was a nice day.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
We have wanted to get Bella a powerwheels jeep for a long time now but could never justify a $250 purchase on a toy that she would grow out of so quickly. I scoured craigslist, but they go fast. Luckily, our friend has one that she offered to us for free! Bella was SOO happy and I was even happier that it didn't cost a thing. The reverse doesn't work, but she can cruise around just fine without it. It is a lot of fun watching her drive around the yard. She even made it up the side of a rock, as you can see in the photo. Jameson had a lot of fun going for a ride with her around the yard, but I didn't get a picture because I was busy making sure they didn't crash into anything.
Friday, June 1, 2012
9 Months
Jameson is 9 months old today. The first year is coming to an end quicker than I could have imagined. Time seems to be on fast forward when you have two kids. You know what they say, "time flies when you are having fun!"
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Pretty Bird
Bella's favorite part of the zoo, the budgie buddy exhibit, just opened again a few weeks ago. We took her yesterday and she was so excited! It was a beautiful day for the zoo.
Friday, May 25, 2012
These Boots Were Made for Walking
Now that Jameson is a mobile baby, the blog posts have decreased. I can't take my eye off the little bugger for one second or something is in the mouth, getting knocked over, pulled down, spilled, opened, and ripped. These are the crazy days of the baby-rearing. His nap times are used to clean the house, feed Bella, and shower if I have time. Luckily, the evenings are usually nice enough now to cap-off our crazy days with a nice, peaceful walk. I look forward to these walks every day now, the kids are calm and quiet, and fresh air is so amazing.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Mother's Day
Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. We had a fabulous breakfast followed the park, and a walk to the frozen yogurt shop. Then, to cap off the night, we enjoyed some delicious bbq at our neighbor's house and watched the kids play in the sprinkler. I couldn't have asked for a better, more relaxing Mother's Day.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
First Time Swinging
We just got back from the park on this lovely evening, and I thought I would post a picture of Jameson's first time in the swing. He wasn't sure if he liked what was going on as I was setting him in the swing, but once I gave him a little push, it was all giggles from there on out.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
75 Degrees in Tacoma!
It is a BEAUTIFUL day here in Tacoma. We are really enjoying the sunshine, and although I am swollen and sore from having my wisdom teeth out yesterday, I am loving every minute of today! Bella has been waiting SO long to break out the water toys, and even though we didn't put her pool up yet, she is having a blast relaxing in Jameson's tiny pool. Our grass is really starting to grow in (you can see in the background of the pic) and flowers are blooming all around. We even noticed tiny sprouts throughout our garden box today. I can just tell that it is going to be a fabulous and fun summer!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Spaghetti Night
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Before Pics
Our 2 major projects this spring have been the back lawn and our garden. We finally got the top-soil and seed down for the grass, and put new play chips under the swingset. The top photo is what our back yard currently looks like, I will post an after photo after the grass has grown in. The second photo is the current state of our garden box. CJ is trying a new method this year called square-foot gardening. It is supposed to give you the greatest amount of produce for the smallest amount of space. We have quite a few things planted and we are hoping for the best! I will post the after photos as soon as everything is popped up!

Sunday, April 15, 2012
You Are my Sunshine
We are having a lazy day here in Tacoma, enjoying the sunshine while it's out. CJ rebuilt our gate going into the backyard today because it had rotted to pieces, and the kids and I played outside while watching Daddy work his magic.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It is really starting to hit me that my last moments with a baby around are nearing an end. Jameson will be 8 months come May 1st and he is starting to look more like a little boy every day. Bella has become so mature recently with taking care of her brother and I couldn't be more pleased with the person she is becomming. I am so blessed to have such amazing kids and I love each day I spend with them. These days go by way too fast!

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter 2012
It has been a perfect Easter morning here at the Cooper's. I hopped out of bed bright and early to get the eggs and baskets outside before Bella woke. Then I (the Easter bunny) made pink, bunny-shaped pancakes loaded with bananas and chocolate. Bella woke up, ate her breakfast, then quickly got dressed to go find her eggs. It was SO fun watching her this year, she was so quick and extremely excited. She giggled the whole time. I was trying to take pictures, but she was running around so fast that it was near impossible. As for Jameson, he was more interested in the Easter grass than anything else. Happy Easter everyone!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Jameson's First Zoo Trip
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Easter Bunny 2012
I totally looked like a crazy person trying to get both kids to smile at the same time, but we got ONE cute picture. Jameson was easy, he LOVED the bunny, but Bella kept staring off and making weird faces hehe. In the end, this is a pretty darn cute picture. What can I say? I am a sucker for these types of things.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Can't Get Enough
Jameson LOVES to eat. He is very much the opposite of Bella when it comes to food. He will eat whatever we give him. He eats pureed fruits and veggies 3 times a day, along with all the snacks he can get his hands on. Here he is with a "baby mum mum", which he finished in about one minute. Must be a boy thing.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Bella Reads You A Story
Okay, so she doesn't actually read, but she has a good chunk of it memorized. She has memorized a few of her favorites. Here she is reading "Toy Story 2", enjoy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
6 Month Check-up

It is the first day of spring and the rain is falling here in Tacoma. We just got home from Jameson's 6 month check up (although he is almost 7 months...we had the stomach flu on his original appt. day). He is a whopping 19.2 lbs and 28 inches. He is 80th percentile for both, and continues to wow his doctor with his chunky legs haha. I explained to the doctor that it is taking him longer to want to learn to sit up solo and he told me that his body mass makes it a little harder to learn to do those things. Other than that, he has a clean bill of health and the doctor was very proud that I was still breastfeeding and that I am making all of Jameson's baby food myself. Bella was a great helper at the doctor. She held baby bro's hand while he got poked and told him that "everything was going to be fine." She is the best helper and really makes my job a lot easier...most days.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Spring is Coming!
It was a blissful 63 degrees here in Tacoma today. I took the kids on a long walk to the library, then to the park. Although I have always been a fan of Seattle/Tacoma rain, it is so nice to get out of the house with the kids. Pictured above is the Cooper choo choo carrying it's adorable passengers.
Kony 2012
If you haven't watched this video yet, I am urging you to do so. I am doing my part in showing support by spreading this as much as possible. Too many innocent children have been taken, it is time for a change.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Home, Home on the Range
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
She's Got The Whole World in Her Hands
We always seem to venture into downtown Tacoma on the coldest of days, yesterday being one of the worst. We had a couple of friends down from Everett and decided to take them out to see a couple of our Tacoma favorites such as glass bridge, and the Harmon restaurant. Every time we stop on the bridge I can't help but snap a quick picture. This was Bella last night enjoying the walk, even in the freezing cold.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
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