Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wedding Anniversary

This weekend CJ and I went to Manzanita, OR for our very first wedding anniversary. It was amazing! The weather was beautiful, the room was just perfect and we enjoyed every second of it (besides the 10 minutes involving the police....we got pulled over for going 9 over but he let us off with a warning). This weekend was made possible by our awesome, kind, generous family members. CJ's parents watched our little monkey for two nights, we cannot THANK YOU enough! My mom bought CJ a very stylish new jacket, shirt, and tie. CJ just LOVED his new clothes..THANK YOU MOMMY! My aunt Laura paid for our lovely room at the Inn (thank you thank you thank you), she is so very kind for doing so and it made it so we could spend a little more money buying a couple things for our daughter from the gift shops. We are so very lucky to have wonderful people in our lives and we love you all. All in all, this weekend was perfect, it could not have been better. The weather was probably nearing 72 today at the beach. There is nothing like a warm fall day at the beach. Of course the very best part of this weekend was enjoying eachother's company.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Bella's likes and dislikes
Bella loves to watch elmo! Something about elmo's high pitched voice puts Bella in such a good mood. She even fell asleep while watching him today on the couch.

One thing Bella really doesn't like is when elmo sings. Actually, she doesn't really like anyone singing.
Bella also likes to talk to lions.
She doesn't like it when the lion doesn't listen to her. She says, "come here lion, get in my mouth!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mommy's poor wittle monkey
Bella had to get another shot yesterday and she still doesn't feel well today. Mommy feels so bad when sweet little Bella isn't happy!

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
3 months old
The past 3 months have raced by faster than I could have ever expected. Isabella is growing and learning all the time. I am so proud of all the amazing things Bella does every single day. I love being her mom.

Finally likes her swing (it used to scare her)

She plays on her tummy. She is SO strong!

Enjoying the crisp fall air

She reaches for her toys now!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Warming up to the idea
For the past couple of weeks Bella fussed during tummy time. Today I propped miss monkey on her belly and put sesame street on tv and she was completely content during tummy time. Bella lovesss watching elmo (something about the high pitched voice he has). She is so strong!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Proud of my Papa!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Our pumpkin art
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze 2008!

Every year we take Jadyn to the pumpkin patch and corn maze. This year little Bella got to tag along for the very first time! Little did I know taking an infant into a corn maze could cause panic attacks in mommy haha. When we started to realize that we were seriously lost I started to worry because Bella would be hungry soon and need a diaper change. We finally decided to bag finding the exit and just crawl out through the corn. Needless to say we were covered in bugs and dirt when we got out. Although we were a little cold and dirty, in the end, we all had a good time. We all picked out a pumpkin and we are going to color them tonight.
Sunshine, Sunshine, it's fine
It is amazing how just when things start to get rough God showers a good day on you. I am not talking about literal sunshine (it has actually been pretty rainy) but just the warm feeling it brings to you. This week was a little rough but yesterday was a good day. Such a good day it blew away the entire bad week. From the moment I woke up Bella was smiley and talkative. I had so much fun reading to her and interacting with her. She has developed such a cute little personality. CJ's parent's watched miss monkey (thank you) last night and we met up with my friend Laurie who I hadn't seen in ages. We then went over to Justin's and played with my goddaughter and enjoyed a beer or two with some pizza. We laughed and reminisced and just plain old had a good time. When we picked Bella up she was still as happy as a clam and went right to bed. I guess it's those rough weeks that make the good ones all the more good. Right now Bella boo and daddy are sleeping and I am going to catch up on some chores. I think today will be another good day.

Friday, October 3, 2008
For Georgia
CJ's aunt Georgia purchased this dress while on vacation and we promised pictures! Here they are. Our little mexican princess.

cuddle bug
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Early Bloomer

The doc has always called Bella "advanced" for her age but I was in no way ready for TEETHING! This week has consisted of constant crying, drooling, fingers in mouth, and the only things that make her content are as cold as ice! I never knew they could show signs of teething so young, but I guess it is possible and a lot of babies start around 11-12 weeks. She may not get a tooth for a while but it is definitely bothering her. Here is a picture of her all time favorite...finger wrapped in frozen wet wash cloth.
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