It is amazing how just when things start to get rough God showers a good day on you. I am not talking about literal sunshine (it has actually been pretty rainy) but just the warm feeling it brings to you. This week was a little rough but yesterday was a good day. Such a good day it blew away the entire bad week. From the moment I woke up Bella was smiley and talkative. I had so much fun reading to her and interacting with her. She has developed such a cute little personality. CJ's parent's watched miss monkey (thank you) last night and we met up with my friend Laurie who I hadn't seen in ages. We then went over to Justin's and played with my goddaughter and enjoyed a beer or two with some pizza. We laughed and reminisced and just plain old had a good time. When we picked Bella up she was still as happy as a clam and went right to bed. I guess it's those rough weeks that make the good ones all the more good. Right now Bella boo and daddy are sleeping and I am going to catch up on some chores. I think today will be another good day.

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