Today was a VERY eventful day for Bella Mae. First was her 4 month check up. The doc gave Bella a clean bill of health and tells us we get an A+ for raising her well thus far. She got 4 shots and she did her usual scream for a minute then be totally fine. She weighs 14 lbs 11.5 ozs and she is 25.5 in long. She is ranging in the 95th percentile for length and 75th for weight. The nurse even ok'd us for a few bites of mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving. The doc says nothing other than formula and rice cereal for another 2 months. I also got the ok from the doc to pierce miss monkey's ears. I was going to wait until a different day to pierce her ears, one when she didn't have shots as well, but I decided I didn't want two rough days of pain for her. That's right, we did it! Bella is now a proud owner of her first 14 kt gold earrings from dad. She was such a trooper. I was so scared through the entire process. I had to hold her head still while they cleaned it, marked it, and pierced it. If you have ever tried to hold a baby still, you know how hard that can be. Even worse was the fact that they had to do one at a time. She was so brave! She screamed for a few minutes and then was totally ok. She passed out in the car on the way home. We gave her tylenol and hope that the rest of the night goes well. Here are the battle scars...

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