Bella cannot wait for summer! It has been beautiful these past couple of days in Tacoma, so she has been asking for us to bring out the pool. She doesn't quite understand that sun doesn't always mean warmth. I thought I would let her go outside in her suit and tell me if she STILL wanted the pool out, but I think that would just be mean. She settled for me letting her wear her swimsuit around the house all day.

Jameson is now fully moved into his room. I put it off for a while because it gets VERY cold in his room at night, but he is so mobile now, that it isn't safe for him to be in a bed... and he is just too big now for his bassinet. He doesn't seem to mind where he sleeps as long as he is wrapped in a blanket and the room is warm enough. I can't believe he will be 6 months old next month, I forgot just how quickly the first year passes by.
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